Wednesday 17 July 2024

Tuesday 16th July 2024


Pushing down on me, pushing down on you.

Or just me.

Turns out that our little audit last week has created much interest, and with interest comes pressure.

One hundred and ninety eight On top of that there is focus from within the department, and on top of that there is the need to complete it by Friday for a meeting.


So, Tuesday was going to be a day of keeping my head down, appear offline and get the bones of the report done.

Anacamptis pyramidalis Easier as it was cloudy with again the promise of rain later, which did arrive, drenching the garden.

I did have time to wander about with the camera looking for insects and flowers to snap, but still so few butterflies to be seen.

Anacamptis pyramidalis And then back to work.

At three, I send the report to my boss and create meeting invite for the presentation, my phone registers the avalanche of replies and questions for the next hour.

Lathyrus latifolius I go to watch the final 60km of Le Tour, as they sped their way across southern France, getting ever nearer to the Alps.

I manage to prepare has between the end of the race and when Jools comes home, pour wine and/or cider to wash it down with.

Summer rain Good news is that my aches and pains are easing, and there's a strong chance that each afternoon this week I will go for a short walk.

We shall see.

Another day without football, the withdrawal symptoms are dreadful!

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