Thursday 4 July 2024

The last dregs

It is just gone seven in the evening on polling day, three more hours to left to vote.

We voted first thing, third and forth in line at the Village Hall, to get it over with. Of course, its not a huge smale, but staff there said there had never been people waiting before, there were seven of us, but maybe a sign of high turnout, at least in St Maggies.

This morning, Your Super Soaraway Sun backed Labour. Murdoch has never failed to back a winning party, but has not left it this late before. The daily newspapers don't have the sway in deciding elections they once did, certainly not with the young.

Meanwhile, The Times could not bring itself to support Labour or Conservative Parties, but the Mail, Express and Torygraph still backed the blue corner, even if their wailing is all a bit overdramatic.

Talk and warnings over a Labour supermajority, which is meaningless in the UK, is just project fear. Labour, no matter how large their majority, will have to obey Erkin May and the Parliament Act, and I hope they do, not resort to Statutory Instruments, SIs, to add secondary legislation to Primary without scrutiny.

Imagine, bypassing the very institutions Brexit was supposed to restore sovereignty to!

The Tories claim Labour will do the very things themselves have been doing through this Parliament: gerrymandering boundaries, voter surpression and bypassing democracy.

Labour has been preparing for Government for many months, year, and has assembled a very skiiled and knoweledgeable backroom team, but the mess the Conservatives have left the country in, will mean difficult and stark choices.

The Conservatives will scuttle away, and draw the wrong conclusions from their loss and lurch to the right further, becoming even more irrelevant. It is possible the Lib Dems could be the second biggest Party, the official opposition.

But for now, we wait. And vote. And will wake up in the morning to find how the new world order here will look like.

The UK going left while France and Germany go right.

The UK could have lead the EU in the fightback against racists. Instead, we are isolated, an irrelevance, a subject to be smirked over. A country that imposed financial restrictions on itself.

Tonight, let us believe in hope.

Hope for the future.

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