Wednesday 31 July 2024

Tuesday 30th July 2024

With the weather due to turn unsettled later in the week, I decided to trap for a second night. Meaning that once the first coffee was drunk, go down to the trap, turn off the lamp so that half the moths flew off.

Plusia festucae Inside I could see the head of a large moth, I knew already what it was, so helped it out and gave it to Jools so I could snap it on her hand before putting it onto the thistles to warm up and fly off.

Deilephila elpenor Other nice looking moths too, so I snap those, including two new for the garden including Golden spot. Then pack up the trap, put it back in the shed before going back inside for more coffee and begin work.

Idaea aversata I am just about caught up again, so do some calling around for some outstanding actions. And speak to Rune as he's back and we can have a communal whinge.

Peribatodes rhomboidaria Which is nice.

If anything Tuesday is sunnier, hotter and more humid than Monday, I open the front door to get a breeze and get down to work.

Again, not much to report, other than a further increase in butterflies in the garden. A second Peacock is seen and snapped, this time on the Buddleia.

Two hundred and twelve Which is nice.

Odd now there is no Le Tour, no daytime TV, which means I get to avoid all the adverts that pepper ITV4: donkeys in distress, wills, no fuss funerals, chair lifts.

Deilephila elpenor So it goes. So it goes.

Dinner is fritters and beer. Which are good, and a tad spicier than usual.

Which is nice.

The evening is hot and humid, I go for a shower and do some reading before turning in for the night.

Sleep is broken by foxes in the garden, making all sorts of grunting and squealing noises.

I drift back off.

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