Friday 5 July 2024

Thursday 4th July 2024

July 4th: Independence Day (USA)

Election Day (UK).

With another full day of audit report writing, it was good to get Jools to drive us up to the village hall at seven, so to be at the polling station when it opened, vote, then walk home with our democratic duty having been done.

One hundred and eighty six Yay.

I walked back doing a plant hunt, checking for anything flowering, really. Nothing unusual found, just good to be out walking again, along the track at the back of the church, then round the corner to the shop.

Cymbalaria muralis I called in to get some lunch, then down the hill and up the other side to home. Thoughts of going along to the track beside the field or further to the Dip were abandoned, and a good job as my knee let me know it was still there.

Back at twenty to eight, so I made coffee and had breakfast before starting work.

Outside the sun shone, though the wind picked up, but still a glorious day, but I got down to writing and adding screenshots of evidence.

Stopped for lunch, which I ate outside with Scully, who was then disappointed when I went back inside.

I worked to half three, but really struggled to concentrate, so stopped, hoping that the seven hours left on Friday would be enough.

I went to the sofa and watched the last 20km of Le Tour. A sprint stage with roads flat and straight, but ended with enough time for me to make the quick focaccia and Caprese. The bread was stuffed with soft cheese, flavoured ham, basil and pesto, which was a wonderful combination of flavours to go with the tomatoes, cheese, balsamic and oil. And more basil.

I watched coverage of the election via Twitter until eight, then went upstairs for a shower and shave before reading a while.

If we were lucky, there would be a new and competent Government ready to be sworn in come the morning.

About time.

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