Wednesday 10 July 2024

Tuesday 9th July 2024


And a day taken up with either auditing or preparing for audits.

I am an auditor, therefore I am an auditor.

So it goes, so it goes.

The alarm went off at half five, mine went off, but Jools's phone has set itself onto French time, so won't go off for 55 minutes

I wake her up and we are up and running.

I go down to feed the cats, make drinks and open the curtains on yet another grey and windy summer day, cool enough to make me wear a jumper all day.

One hundred and ninety one At seven, I am online ready for the audit. Others join, we do the introductions and off we go.

Four hours of toing and froing, I have some findings, and the auditees thank me for what we have covered and given them lots to think about.

So it goes, so it goes.

Time for lunch, and then finish the preparation for the next audit, to take place all day Wednesday and Thursday. The agenda is generic and vague, so I make a detailed check sheet.

Cleolicious I work through to three, then join Scully on the sofa to watch the final 90 minutes of the final flat stage of Le Tour for a week. Not much happened until the final 500m, but the rolling countryside was splendid.

We had dinner, cleared up, so to be ready for kick off in the semi-final between France and Spain.

France score first, and seemed the script had been ripped up. But within ten minutes Spain were 2-1 up, and that's how it stayed. The excitement of the first quarter did not last, but was still the best game of the finals so far.

Next up: England v Netherland.

So it goes, so it goes.

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