Thursday 18 July 2024

Wednesday 17th July 2024

Jools suggested recording Le Tour and watching it in the evening, so I could zip through the ads, which is what I did. Meaning that I could actually go for a walk once work was done.

One hundred and ninety nine Oh yes, work.

Work enables us to do the things we want by paying us cold hard cash, but ties us down to the old 9 to 5, or worse.

I am lucky that though work and service, I have travelled too, and seen large parts of the world I otherwise wouldn't have.

Rhagonycha fulva Not just Denmark, but Germany, Sweden, France, Holland, Belgium, the US, China, Indonesia, the Falklands and even Kazakhstan. I'm sure there are others I missed too.

Hydrangea But most of the time now, I work from the dining room table, e mailing or using Teams to carry out my tasks.

There are worse jobs, I know. I know because i have done some of them too!

I work through the morning, stop for lunch and carry on to three. At which point I switched everything off and put on my shoes for a walk over the fields, not even all the way to Fleet House, but getting out was good.

Back in the walking shoes again And I suffered no ill effects either, but the butterflies I hoped to see and snap were absent. I only saw a single Holly Blue, flying up a hedge. The two fields of Lucerne are about to flower, so I am hopeful about some Clouded Yellows at the weekend or next week.

Back home to prepare dinner. Just Caprese with some bread Jools had bought the day before. And the fresh basil plants provided very fresh aromatic leaves to go on top.

Not much else to report, a day nearer the weekend done, and an evening spent watching the recording of Le Tour.

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