Monday 15 July 2024

Sunday 14th July 2024

And so to the tail end of the orchid season, plus with an actual warm and sunny day, we could hunting for Helleborines, Yellow Birdsnest, and for a laugh, Ghosts.

The Ghost Orchid is, as it's name suggests, elusive and rarely seen. It was declared extinct in the UK in 2008, only for a single plant to pop up a few days later.

But has not been seen since.

It is a hemi-parasitic plant, only emerging a few days to flower, be pollinated and set seed. It is possible that the spike can be short enough to emerge above the leaf litter. And rumour has it is very attractive to slugs.

One hundred and ninety six They have never been seen in Kent, but that's not to say they couldn't be seen here, so its doesn't do arm in looking, as you'd find something else at least of interest.

But first there is breakfast and then to Folkestone for a hair cut.

Its been five weeks since my last one and shave, in preparation for an interview (still no news), so it was time to go back.

Epipactis helleborine My back is easing, so is my knee and the ankle is fine, so walking pretty much pain free is rather pleasant.

I drive us over to Folkestone, on what appeared to be National No indicating Day, safe and sound, park up and walk to the barbers where I find five people in front of me! I can't remember the last time I had to wait to get in a chair, but there you go.

Epipactis helleborine I get in one at ten, a new guy waves me in. I explain the haircut. Take most of it off, make it cool, and he gets to work.

We get back to the car a few seconds before the ticket expired, then drove back through town and up to Hawkinge and then out along to Barham.

Just underneath the old bridge we park, and walk up the lane in dappled light until we are nearly out in the sunshine. So far I had seen no orchids, so disappointed, but Jools spotted two Yellow Birdsnests just emerging. These look just like Ghosts at first, so good to check then get shots. And then a few steps along are the orchids, with the last one partly in flower, though the flowers drooping making snapping them hard.

Hypopitys monotropa And that was that.

So, back down the lane and then to the car. Turning round we head back to the village and then to the A2 and home, in thick port traffic.

Once home I make bacon butties and brews before settling down to watch the monster stage of Le Tour, which had begun at half ten. Or the broadcast had.

And there I sat to half four, as the cyclists went up and down and up and down and up mountains, all through amazing scenery.

Time to cook dinner, so to be all done for the main event of the weekend: The European Championship Final.

England were playing Spain, and we went more in hope than in expectations.

A friend in Canada says that at the end of the day, there's always a disappointing football match.

And this was disappointing. If you are and England fan.

England barely touched the ball in the first half, though did come close to scoring just before half time. But in the second half, Spain scored in the first minute, after substitutions, England perked up, levelled, but then conceded four minutes from time.

And that was that.

At the final whistle, I switched the TV off and we went slowly to bed.


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