Tuesday 9 July 2024

Monday 8th July 2024

Carrots forever!

Monday, and back to work. And the first of two weeks of a jam-packed calendar with little time to think.

One hundred and ninety For Monday there was preparing for a two day audit beginning on Wednesday, and on Tuesday the 7th of six audits of the company design function. And that wasn't a mistake.

I had time to prepare, so Monday wasn't packed with things to do, there was time to have breakfast, make drinks and pander to the cats.

But the work had to be done.

Jools went to work at seven, leaving me and the cats. As is usual, it is holiday time in Denmark, and through the month and into August, huge parts of the company will be spending weeks on the beaches of southern Europe.

Lavender Which means little gets done, certainly if issues need escalating. Its been this way the last 14 years, and so aint gonna change now.

It was another dull, breezy cool day, not much point in going out, but I can report that my knee and ankle are pretty much pain free now. The knee has bad moments at times, but the ankle is fine.

I work on.

I work so much that I forget to take shots of the day. This might be because I am less fixated on taking shots, I do still if only for the shots of the day and to illustrate my blog. I am thinking of giving up the project, but its been six or seven years now. Might as well go on.

THere is no Tour to watch in the afternoon, nor any football in the evening, so I write, listen to podcasts and while away the time until Jools comes back home. Though she is straight back out to Aquafit, but did bring home KFC for supper, which didn't like too well when we went to bed just after nine.

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