Monday 10 October 2022

Sunday 9th October 2022

We woke up late, half six, and it was just getting dark.

It was to be another glorious day, and the plan had been to go to Grove Ferry, but there is a monor family crisis going on, and it was more important for Jools to sort that out than take photos.

So whe left at seven, leaving me to pander to the cat's whims and desires, and listen to a podcast or two.

Polymixis lichenea In the end there was the finishing off of the lawn to do, one final scarifying, collect the thatch and then scatter the wildflower seeds.

So, once Jools came back, I got busy, although it took less than an hour, meaning I could get on with lunch.

Lunch was ribeyes, fried sliced jacket spuds, boiled fresh corn and garlic mushrooms. And not that much of each, meaning we were not stuffed, and all was done by half one.

Washing up done and coffee made for the first game of the afternoon, which I think was Leeds. Who lost.

Oh well.

Then Liverpool lost to Arsenal.

Although I missed the last ten minutes, as we went to the cliffs to see the Hunter's Moon rise over Calais.

Two hundred and eighty two We were not the only ones there, but there was room.

One moment it wasn't there, then it was.

I took shots.

And then we went home.

And all to prepare for a week away with work.

How I will miss Jools and them cats.

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