Monday 24 October 2022

Sunday 23rd Sunday 2022

Second day of the lazy weeknd.

And on Sunday the rain would fall, and thunder and lightning would be all about.

But not until later.

We woke up at half seven, and already rain was falling, hard enough not to want to go for a walk.

Through the day, bands of thicker cloud would sweep in from the west, turning what counted as daylight into something much gloomier.

So we have coffee, first breakfast, econd breakfast and then another coffee. So we were fed and watered.

Outside rain stopped, so Jools went to do some gardening, and I started preparing Sunday lunch.

Weigh meat, then calculate cooking time. Season it and put flour on the fat to make it crispy.

Peel, slice then boil the potatoes, until there were almost falling apart, then drain and set to one side.

Mix the Yorkshire pudding batter, then set aside.

Prepare the rest of the vegetables, so that come eleven, I could start cooking the beef.

90 minutes later, that was cooked, and perfect, set the veg to cook, warm the fryer and oiled bun tins for the Yorkshires, then using the beef juices and stock I made a week back, I make gravy.

It all comes together in a blur at just after one, Jen and John had arrived, so they pour wine, I carve and dish up.

As usual, I made too much, but that means there's enough for Jools and I on Monday when we can have a midweek roast. Even if it's not actual midweek.

Two hundred and ninety six We eat well, drink two bottles of wine, and are all stuffed.

It seems odd to think that by Tuesday morning, Jen will be on the other side of the world, about to enjoy spring and summer.

It was warm enough here to sit in the garden and chat, but by half three, the sun had moved round to the west and it was getting cool. Jen had to pack, so she nad John leave, and for Jools and I there was coffee and Lindt truffle or two.

And that was it.

The weekend over, Jen on the way to Australia in 12 hours.

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