Monday 24 October 2022

Travels in my head: Rhode Island

The Ocean State.

I have been to Rhode Island. Once. It was shut.

No, it wasn't.

But it was cold.

It was during that week I spent on Cape Cod, and for something to do on Saturday, I drove down the coast to Rhode Island.

I remember little about my time there, except I ended up doing a tour of one of the grand house on the beachfront, The Breakers.

I was the only European on the tour, the rest being Americans, and they ohhhed and ahhed as the tour went from room to room and we saw items very nearly 100 years old.

newport2 I truth, it could have been any one of hundreds of minor stately homes back in the UK, the design and fixtures and fittings were pretty much the same.

The other thing I did was visit the coast, where waves broke against the rocky shore, but imagine my amazement to see people surfing. It being December and bloody cold, and waves were breaking on rocks. Not sharp ones, but still rocks.

I took some pictures.

I must have gone somewhere for lunch and/or a coffee before driving back to Hyannisport before dark.

Would I go back? In summer, yes. And maybe go to the biggest city, Providence.

And I'd make sure I had a bigger coat, gloves and a warm hat.

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