Monday 31 October 2022

The week in Tory chaos

Welcome to Perfectly Normal Island where it was revealled last week that:

The Home Secretary ignored lagal advice on the processing and housing of immigrants thus allowing them to get scurvy and diptheria.

This is the same Home Secretary who resigned a week previously after multiple breaches of security were discovered. The new PM has re-employed her in the same role, so she resigned for six days before returning to Government in the same role.

In order to divert attention, it was revealed that the previous PM, Liz Truss, had her private mobile hacked, on which and against security laws, was conducting Government business on. A year's worth of messages and data was downloaded by a foireign power almost certainly Russia.

The previous PM, Johnson, has been using the same provate number for 15 years and this has been available on the internet for at least a decade.

Meanwhile, a man threw three fire bombs at the immigration centre in Dover before killing himself. Jools and I were caught up in this on the way back from Hythe yesterday. Looking at the front pages of the Express, Mail and now Torygraph, it is easy to see how people get radicalised against those who have so little, while the grifters in Parliament get away with asset stripping the country.

Sunak said that the grown ups had taken over, but I have yet to see proof of this.

Braverman is expected not to last week, but she resigned once, whose to say she won't be back a week or month later?

Meanwhile, the economy continues to tank, while no one talks about Brexit and it's effects, although clear data show productivity, imports, exports, inward and outside investiment have all dived since June 2016. This only effects the UK, what could have happened to just the UK that year and nowhere else?

Fuck if I know.

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