Friday 8 February 2019

Friday Brexit

This week, the Malthouse Working Group met to discuss how they could firm up those pesky alternative arrangements. Only they couldn't agree. On anything, and the meeting split up in acrimony.

As we said before, if these alternative arrangements existed and worked, they would have been identified before now. As it is, they haven't.

And the UK is less than 50 days from Brexit, and no idea on what to do, about anything.

For there to be a WA, there has to be a backstop. And the ERG and DUP don't like the backstop period, and the EU won't accept the WA without one.

There is no grand plan, May really does not know what she is doing. There are no deals waiting to be done. But wait a minute, a trade deal has been done, or agreed. Let me check a few details.

The UK has signed a deal with (drum roll) The Faroe Islands. The Faroe Islands which, according to Wiki, has a population of 51,095. Or less than the cmbined population of Dover and Folkestone.

That is it.

And Japan thinks it can do a better deal with the UK than it did with the EU, better for Japan. And Korea thinks so too, as the current deal allows EU made products to swap their market, they want to be able to have products with high Chinese percentages of origin allowed into the UK.

The BBC allowed a statement on Question Time yesterday that both sides of the referendum cheated and lied, without pointing out that only one side was found to have broken electoral LAW. And on that the police are still considering charges.

So the farce goes on.

And all the time the clock ticks ever louder.

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