Sunday 9 June 2019

Let the lying begin

Today, being a Sunday, it is politics day on TV in UK.

And so the various contenders for the leadership were on, making their pitch, or lying their arses off.

As it should be called.

In the Sunday Torygraph, Johnson said he would not pay the financial settlement, £39 billion pounds, not a bill for the WA but what the UK owes under its international treaty commitments. Not paying this will make the UK totally untrustworthy, but it plays well to the blue rinse brigade in the Home Counties.

What is needed, is for one of them to tell the truth of the situation the UK is in. But in doing that, would make them totally unelectable.

So, it goes on.

And no one in the BBC or Fleet Street holds the liars to account.

The UK leaves the EU on 31st October 2019, unless the UK decides otherwise.

There are still three choices: The WA< no deal or no Brexit.

There is no time for a 2nd referendum, and an election probably won't solve the issues either.

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