Tuesday 18 June 2019

Tory Death Match

Despite the fact that the result, whoever wins, is going to be a clusterfuck of unimaginable proportions, seeing former cabinet colleagues turn on each other, of conduct secret media briefings against each other, is funny.

because it means that for the ones that lose, their frontbench career is over, at least until the winner fails in doing wjat they promised, and either a new leader takes over by a new selection process, or there is an election.

What did happen today is that former Brexit Minister and dreamer, Raab got eliminated from the race, so for the most part, his supporters will now switch to Johnson. But for whom the whispering campaign of claims of duplicity are being heard, in that he is saying one thing to one group, and something else to another faction. This is May tried to play the Eurosceptics against the Europhiles, and look how well that played out.

Another round of voting tomorrow, meanwhile the UK is another day nearer Brexit Day v3.0, and yet the Tory party is still awash with unicorns and snake oil salesmen.

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