Tuesday 25 June 2019

Monday 24th June 2019

Monday morning, and no travel!

Which is nice.

And there is no football to watch, so I have little to do other than to drink coffee, check the news and put my trousers on before I start work. I mean, not that no one would know, other than the postman when he can't get a parcel through the letterbox. So, its probably better I put trousers on. No one at work can see me, as I have cunningly put some tape over the webcam on the laptop.

As you do.

Monday was to be a day of storms, though the forecast kept pushing the rain and thunder back and back, until it was due on Tuesday.

But it was humid, a storm was coming.

Jools went to work, I have a second coffee, get dressed and ready for work as I was expecting a meeting at eight, that hadn't been arranged, or I hadn't been invited to. Oh well, gave me a chance to tackle the issue of tax, as the Belgian authorities had sent me a bill for €963, and bearing in mind I had already paid UK tax for this period. I was expecting a bill, but not this much.

I need to write to the company my employer has hired to sort out our tax, but I would have to remember my password. I had written down a clue to myself over a year ago. I looked at the clue "Italy Norwich".

One hundred and seventy five No idea.

I have to reset the password. I am sent a link. To create a new password, it must have at least two capital letters, two lower case, two numbers and one symbol. And have at least ten characters.

It took half an hour to get one the website would accept.

Remember, computers are here to make our lives easier!

I review the document and find I am owe nearly a grand, so write to my case handler and fill in 18 months of work activity on a spreadsheet.

Tobacco Two hours pass.

And I am up to day, now hoping it won't be 18 months before I remember to do it again.

Dinner is pita bread and Jools' home made humus. Which would have been perfect with wine.

But not a good idea on a school day.


I work through to half three, then walk to the doctor's to have an appointment, as he has to review my meds. With the clouds rolling in, I walk there and straight back, getting home before the rain might start. On the downside, the pharmacy didn't have them in, so I have to go back on Tuesday.

Another triffid Oh well.

For dinner, I make grilled bbq chicken, with stir fry and noodles.

Which was great, and the good news is there was some chicken left over for lunch also on Tuesday.

Night comes early, and we go to bed at nine, waiting for the thunder and lightning to arrive. When we went to bed, a huge storm was building over Le Mans. Maybe it won't drift towards Dover.....

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