Thursday 13 June 2019

Round 1

So, three contenders for the Tory leadership are out:

Andrea Leadsome (Loathesome)


Mark Harper (who?)

Leaving ten to go into the next round.

It has been rumoured that the two who will go on to fight to the last ballot will have to stump up £150,000 to cover the cost of hustings. Doesn't sound very democratic to me.

But Boris topped the 1st round with 114, Jeremy Hunt came second with 43, that means 2/3 of the MPs did not vote for Boris.

But still, unless another crowd of skeletons tumbles out of his closet, he seems destined to win.

Even though stories emerging today that he will say anything to prove whatever audience he is put in front of, even telling EU ambassadors that he supports free movement of people.

A leader who can unite the party and has a mind for fine detail; so the Tories vote for Boris de Piffel Johnson.

Its what we deserve.

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