Tuesday 25 June 2019

The lies go on

A johnson spokesman, I have no idea of his name, an MP from the Midlands I believe, was interviews by Victoria Derbyshire this morning, and he repeatedly answered when asked about a hard border in Ireland, that the EU had released a paper last week stating that no hard border would be needed, even in the event of no deal.

He did not name the "paper" or document, nor when asked, also repeatedly, to name a border where alternative arrangements and technological solutions made physical checks obsolete. He did name the Swiss border, which is interesting, because for people, there is no border. No checks, no passport control. But most days there are kilometres of queues of trucks waiting to get their paperwork stamped.

It takes time.

And has taken a long time to get as smooth as it is, if they were to start up from scratch now, it would be chaos.

But that is what "Team Boris" plans to do.

Meanwhile Boris has been undertaking some interviews, where he was asked on LBC about his plans, which were renegotiating the WA, with-holding the financial settlement and trying to get the backstop scrapped or have a time limit.

I mean, as this had not occurred to the PM.

Nor would he say when the photograph that was leaked yesterday showing him and his girlfriend hand in hand taken, as if taken over the weekend would suggest his hair had grown over an inch from Friday and he since has had it cut again. In other words, it was an old shot. And probably leaked by him or someone in his campaign.


There is too much negativity around in the current Government, it needs to be more positive, yes, that will fix the Irish border; being positive.

When pressed he really has nothing, about anything. No detail, no plan, nothing, just bluster. When asked about what he did when he wasn't being Boris, he blustered some more, before saying he painted wine boxes to look like buses. That's boxes that held two actual bottles of wine, not the ones I get from Tesco for £12 with three litres in it.

He has literally nothing, and is a step away from being PM.

He lied three years ago about how easy Brexit was going to be, lied because all he promised failed to happen, and people are going to fall for his lies again.

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