Thursday 27 June 2019

Wednesday 26th June 2019

Middle of the week, and oddly, feels strange not waking up in a hotel.

At least there was no thunder, but so hot sleep was difficult.

Anyway, another day in paradise.

Only, despite it being high summer, we wake up to see a huge bank of fog surrounding the house.

One hundred and seventy seven And it was now chilly. Cold in fact. How did this happen?

We have coffee together, then Jools gets ready to go to work, leaving me again with the cats.

Work has now settled down to be less high pressure again, which I am happy about. Though, it has hard to to escape the thought I have let people down.

But, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and a bright new future ahead, and when I can tell, I will.

Saying that, my manager rings me up to tell me I have been given a pay rise, a rise I don't fee entitled too. She tells me I am, and should be happy I took the project as far as I did and that we are nearly at the end.

She is right, of course.

Anyway, reluctantly I will accept my payrise and feel guilty when I spend it.

As you would.

Jools comes home early as she had a mdical appointment, and then I have down go down to the bottom of the hill to the chiropractor.

My back has been killing me, and now I also have a numbness in a finger on my left hand.

Dan listens, writes notes, then bends and twists me into knots, by back clicks, leaves me breathless in pain, and then, all done.

And I can move again.


I go home, cook dinner; breaded aubergine and salad, which was wonderful. Although we have decided not to have pasta salad now, to try to cut down on carbs.

We end the day watching Brian Cox on Mars. Not on Jupiter, but about Jupiter.

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