Tuesday 4 June 2019

Tuesday Brexit

As I have said before, any old fool, say Liam Fox, can sign a trade deal, but it just won't be any good.

Today, Trump, the erstwhile 45th Prez, announced that in trade deal, the US wants everything, including the NHS on the table.

We should not be surprised. This is why a collection of billionaires, only too happy to sell the masses sub-standard health insurance wanted Brexit, to make more money form the 99%.

What will be interesting is how the Brexiteers try to spin this NHS grab by the US and Trump, in the face of that £350 million a week claim written in the side of a big red bus.

We must not forget, or allow them to get away with it.

But they will.

This is the end of the nHS and the welfare state, all that was created at the end of WWII, for a land fit for heroes, so it could be sold off at a massive loss to the billionaires of the world, so they could sell us insurance that will not be as good as the NHS, and cost us a fortune.

This is the new normal.

Well done.

Meanwhile, HM the Q, wines and dines the orange cheeto monster, and plies his ego with mealy words. This is what we have become.

But this is only the start.

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