Sunday 23 June 2019

Three year on

The UK is three years on from the referendum, and still the political class cannot agree on the meaning of Brexit.

What they can agree on is that the definition of what Brexit was three years ago is not what it is now. Though getting them to admit that would be another thing, but Vote Leave said that the terms of the UK's relationship with the EU would be decided and agreed before the A50 notification was sent, so the two years would be a transition.

Now we are told that the WA is not Brexit, leaving the SM, Cu or whatever isn't Brexit either, but a catastrophic flouncing out with no deal in place is the only true Brexit. And that we are only here, three years down the road because of the Remainer Establishment.

This is a lie.

For example, Mark Gauke, who is being recalled by is constituency association, vote to support the WA three times, an actual Brexit. Whilst the ERG, remember them, voted against the WA three times, when their support would have carried it, are seen as the guardians of Brexit. They literally voted against it. Three times. And had the WA been offered the WA three years ago, they would have jumped at it.

But its never enough.

Brexit is now a matter of belief, a religion, the Will of God replaced by The Will of the People, an orthodoxy that cannot be challenged, and facts rearranged to fit that belief. Anyone who does not truly believe that, in this case no deal is the one true Brexit, is an unbeliever, a heretic, a saboteur.

Facts cannot challenge beliefs in God, and facts, apparently, cannot challenge Brexit. Even when Brexiteers try to use "facts", like GATT Article 24, to back up their beliefs, and when it is pointed out the are wrong, it makes them believe it more. That Liam Fox, International Trade Secretary, now calls out lies as such, only becasue it can affect the leadership contest is disappointing to say the least.

And when a Brexiteer is told that contrary to what they said, that a no deal does not come with a transition period, the EU says so, Esther McVey replies, they would say that, wouldn't they?

And she was a candidate in the Leadership contest until a little of a week ago, with so little understanding of what Brexit, and no deal means.

We are so fucked as a country.....

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