Wednesday 3 July 2019


The UK is not hostage to the EU.

The UK triggered Art 50.

The UK negotiated a 590 page treaty; with the EU.

The UK failed to pass it.

Numerous times.

The UK asked for an extension. Twice.

Not the EU.

They have the tools to leave.

No one is hostage.

Most party loyal Conservative MPs have voted for the UK to leave via the WA three times.

The European Research Group (ERG) and other Brexiteers have voted against it three times.

The current PM has tried to avoid Parliamentary scrutiny at every stage, and only repeated, crowdfunded legal cases, have made the Government and Brexit process more open, and giving MPs and Lords "meaningful votes"

Analysis by the Department for Exiting the European Union (DExEU), the Treasury and Bank of England have all said all forms of Brexit would have a detrimental effect on the UK economy.

There will be no "Brexit bonus".

The Bill allowing the UK to trigger A50 stated that UK Parliamentary and legal Sovereignty always existed as a member of the EU.

Brexit means that Parliament has little time or resources for anything else.

Brexit is damaging to the economy, country and democracy.

And its all un-necessary.

And yet, every day brings the possibility of no deal Brexit closer

No deal Brexit is the default, to avoid it, the UK either choses the WA or to revoke Brexit.

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