Wednesday 10 July 2019

Under the (Brexit) bus

Today, the UK Ambassador to the United States, Sir Kim Darroch, resigned.

His friends have said it was after watching the Leader's debate last night, and the failure of Johnson to support him.

So, the most senior diplomat has been forced to resign by either a leak of a Brexiteer minister or because of Russian interference, ad the desire of the probable new Prime Minister to curry favour with the Leader he critised in secret reports.

This is a national humiliation, and one that means that as PM, Johnson would throw anyone under the bus in order to protect his own interests. Diplomats in much more difficult locations must now be concerned about their positions and the support they are likely to receive from London.

Anyone who thought Johnson would act any different clearly hasn't been watching his career.

The only question now is whether May will appoint a new Ambassador quickly, or leave it to the new PM. Trump has indicated he would like a certain Mr Farrage in the post.

God help us.

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