Saturday 20 July 2019

Friday 19th July 2019

I did not get to bed until after two, and only was aware of Jools getting up and going to work. But I did hear the work phone going at half seven.

I felt rough.

I lay in bed for half an hour, but sleep would not return.

I still felt rough.

I got up, had a coffee, then had a shower, got dressed.

And still felt rough. But clean.

I began to tidy up, sort my washing out, and put my travel things away back in the wardrobe. I hope to not have to use them for a while.

And the phone went again at half ten.

I picked it up, nothing urgent i was told when I explained how tired I was and how late I got in. It could wait to Monday

I still felt rough.

Two hundred There was left over curry in the fridge. I warm it up after adding cardamon seeds to the rice and chili sauce to the chicken. That pepped it up. I should have had a beer, but that would have resulted in me sleeping through the afternoon. No idea why I thought that a bad idea.

knapweed sp I answer some work mails.

The wild border The watch some TV.

Moon landings.

another knapweed More moon landings.

So, at four, Jools comes home.

Wild carrot We have a coffee, then I cook burgers for dinner. As I was hungry and burgers is easy.

We have ice crams after, then sit to watch Monty. But by half eight we were both pooped, so with the promise of overnight stoms, we went to bed with it still being daylight outside.

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