Monday 22 July 2019

Just sickening

So, today, my MP and MP for all other Dovorians, Charlie Elhicke, was charged with assaults on two women. These charges date back two years.

Once the allegations became public, Elphicke had the whip withdrawn. Yet reinstated even though the police were investigating, just so he could support the PM in a vote of confidence last year.

Yes, that's right, the Conservatives stooped so low that they reinstated the party whip even though there was an open police investigation on for sexual assault.

There is no shame.

They have no shame.

One of the good things that might come is that there might be a by-election.

But now he has had the whip withdrawn. Again, the Conservative majority could be two, if Elphike votes, and against the Government.

In summary: the PM, a former Home Secretary, would rather rely on the vote of a possible sex offender than face losing a vote of no confidence. There really is no honour left in the office of Prime Minister. And then, tomorrow, Boris Johnson will be made leader, and probably PM.

Is there no end to the humiliation?

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