Wednesday 24 July 2019

Here come the nationalists

My first wife was from the Former Yugoslavia. I mention this because, once the dictator, Tito died, the country began to fracture. Serbia was taken over by a dictator of a different hue, Slobodan Milošević, who played the nationalist card, stirred up centuries old hatred, and as if by magic, you have a Balkans war.

Nationalism is the last refuge of the rogue, so it should come as no surprise to discover that the new PM, yes, really, in one sentence stated his intention to bring the country together, but then with his next breath went on to describe those who want remain of a vision of Brexit different from his, as not believing in Britain. He said, "the doubters, the gloomsters" were wrong. They were trying to "bet against Britain".

Boris will try to renegotiate the WA, but if the EU reject that and the UK crashes out without a deal, it'll be the EU's fault. Johnson getting his excuses in early. But he was a leading, if not pivotal figure, in Vote Leave; shouldn't have had a plan?

So, there you have it.

And then, the announcements of the new cabinet began to slip out. The cabinet has 26, or so, members, at the last count, 16 ministries have new ministers.

In short anyone who backed Jeremy Hunt or spoke against the great Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson was frozen out. Government is now manned by most who took part in Vote Leave, and after describing the backstop as "undemocratic", the country is heading for no deal unless Parliament can stop it.

It is a bad day for the UK, but on the good side, Conservative backbenches are now swelled in numbers by those sacked, resigned or overooked. This will not do his Parliamentary majority of 3, or 4 or 5, whatever it is after by elections and so on, is.

No deal or an election.

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