Monday 22 July 2019

The end of the "good" times

Despite me saying over and over, how bad a Prime MInister May was, I suspect it won't be long before we are looking back on her premiership as some kind of nirvana. Despite her dreadful and dull leadership, it was steady, and although she drove the UK towards ever harder Brexit outcomes, the UK was still in the Eu and car manufacturers, Airbus, steel making, the European Medicine Agency all were still in the country, though not for long.

Some have left, some soon will.

And there will be no going back.

Today, the result of the Tory leadership contest will be announced, and it seems inconceivable that Johnson won't win.

Ministers are resigning already in preparation for the JOhnson premiership, one hoping to force a vote in the Commons today to find out whether the new leader can command a majority and be a legitimate Prime Minister. The Speaker refused this, which is a shame, as it delays the upcoming crisis. And it is likely that Conservative MPs will fall in line, for now, and wait until September to see how Johnson's policies develop before deciding whether to conspire against him.

Make no mistake, a crisis is coming, and the later it is left the more severe it will be, but with the chance of a six week holiday with no Brexit to think about, is just too tempting.

So, another six weeks of the six months extension will be wasted, and we will be in September, seven weeks from Brexit. The after a couple of weeks, conference season, and it will be October.

Still, good we did not waste the time, eh?

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