Sunday 7 July 2019

Sunday Brexit

In three years of Brexit, the Conservative and Union Party has learned nothing. It is currently rehashing the lies and bullshit that has poisoned Brexit since the referendum. Namely, that more negotiating is the key. Or believing in Brexit more. Obviously, there can be nothing wrong with the policy, you just have to believe in it more to make it work.


Johnson has suggested slimming his cabinet down to 15 members in order to get agreement on Brexit policy. Again, clearly there is nothing wrong with the policy when 28 ministers can't agree, they just need to believe.

Interestingly, the 28 members of the UK Cabinet might be divided, but Brexit has managed to unite the remaining members of the EU in a single, unmovable position. United as one. Which is what you would expect from the EU.

Hunt's plan is to put a rocket up the economy in the event of no deal. Again, meaningless words, but few question what is meant.

The Chancellor has warned against spending money twice; in that he has a Brexit fund hidden under his mattress, this is for no deal planning and emergencies. That both potential leaders have said that they will not rule out no deal; indeed, Hunt has said it might bring no deal forward a month, and yet both are very keen to spend this fund to either cut taxes or whatever pie in the sky they think will float with party members.

You can only spend money once.

And tax cuts are usually for more than one year, so you could fund one year of tax cuts from that pot of cash, bu t in the following years?

Brexit is very dull at the moment. Not a lot going on. This will not last. There will be a crisis in either at the end of July or in September.

Crisis is coming, you can be sure of that.

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