Saturday 20 July 2019

The shitstorm is about to begin

The UK has come a long way in three years. From sunlit uplands to a potential Prime Minister seriously suggesting suspending Parliament so he can inflict huge economic harm on the country, the economy, the people and destroy what is left of the country's reputation on the world stage.

And the bad news is, its not going to get any better.

Johnson's Plan A is to ask the EU to reopen the WA.

There is no Plan B.

When the EU says no, there will be very few days to do anything else.

Even if we sway, for the sake of an argument, that Johnson is allowed to renegotiate parts or a part (the backstop) of the WA, recent history has told us that Brexiteers and the ERG will back it first, then vote against it.

This is the lesson Johnson must remember; that the ERG and Brexiteers will always want more.

Brexit is no longer about Brexit. It is about control.

Control of the country, where there is no recourse for anyone.

I have already said that there has been sustained attacks on the justice system; cutting funding to legal aid and trying to restrict access to Judicial Review (JR). Then Judges themselves came under attack for coming to judgements based on ancient UK law or laws that the MPs who complained had themselves passed.

But at every turn, Parliament itself was frozen out of the Brexit process. It was a people's funded campaign that even allowed them to vote to allow the Article 50 letter to be sent.

May and her Ministers have tried to conduct Brexit in secret, but the problem with that is, at the end MPs and Peers had to ratify it. And the deal, as it was, was negotiated without a mandate from Parliament, like the EU's mandate was. And they whole house of cards came crashing down.

Te WA is dreadful. A very hard Brexit that at the end of 2020 would have created huge problems for UK businesses wanting to trade in the EU. The only thing stopping hard borders was the backstop, changed to a UK-wide one from a NO specific because the UK requested it.

The plan is to turn it back to a NI specific idea, thus creating a customs border in the Irish Sea.

Any kind of compromise was painted as treason; talking Britain down. Or like Andrea Leadsome complaining that the BBC reported facts, instead should be more patriotic. So, telling the truth or reporting facts, like in the UK, became unpatriotic or treasonous acts. MPs who stood up for their beliefs were threatened,, women especially. Coming three years after a Labour MP was stabbed then shot in the face, this is worrying for them and their families. Some MPs voted against their wishes and conciences to avoid harassment.

Welcome to Brexit Britain.

Public servants, whose job it is to report facs about other countries and situations were fired or replaced when they gave advice against the glorious Brexit plan. St Ivan Rogers was forst to go. He was ambassador to the EU, but what he said was unpopular, so was sacked less than a year after being knighted for doing the same thing.

Rogers' advice in steering the UK through shark-infested Brexit waters would have been invaluable. But was lost on the first day.

Brexit is destroying the very democratic institutions the referendum itself was won on. How's that for irony?

Without a free press, independent judiciary, a decent opposition, how on earth is democracy supposed to function?

We live in a country where, in the political or media arenas, you have to say you believe in Brexit to get anywhere. Not to do it means being sidelined or sacked.

And this is being done with the background of a no deal Brexit, which is still the default, which will bring untold economic misery as well as the ruination of democracy.

Will the Brexiteers hold their hands up and admit their major role ina ll this, or will they try to blame anyone, everyone else?

You know the answer.

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