Monday 1 July 2019

Once upon a time in Brexitlalaland

Once upon a time, there was no money tree in Brexitlalaland.

No money tree to pay doctors and nurses the wage increase their independent review body said they needed.

But there was a money tree to fund MPs 15% pay rise, also as a result of an independent review body.

There was no money tree to pay for a decent life for the poor, disabled, sick, single mothers, to pay for basic social care, libraries, repair roads, fund the armed forces, or to pay for the political promises to increase the police. Fire Stations were closed down too.

But there was money to pay the DUP £1 billion for a "supply and confidence" agreement to keep the minority Conservative Government in power.

Now there is money to "supercharge a no deal Brexit" or to pay for yet more preparations. Only, the Chancellor says there isn't. Maybe the magic money tree is bare?

That Brexit bonus/windfall is barely mentioned now, instead talk is of wartime spirit.

But there is talk of tax cuts for the middle and upper classes; where does the money to pay for that come from? I am looking at you, sick, disabled, single parents and unemployed.

There's austerity, and then is Brexit-induced austerity, which will be like nothing you can imagine. But don't worry, reality is coming soon enough. But until then, Boris and Jeremy make unfunded promises on spending, without saying where the money is coming from.

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