Friday 5 July 2019

Vindication and relief

2019 has been a hard year for me. I can't lie.

Though when you're in the middle of it, you just think it's normal.

And then the tidal wave of depression and stress breaks over you and you are drowning.

At the depth of my despair, I received a call. Have I applied for the job?

What job?

The UK Auditors job?

I wasn't quite at the moment of breakdown. But close.

My friend sent me a link. I looked at the job, it seemed perfect.

I applied.

I write a covering mail.

Updated my CV.

Sent them off.

Got an interview. One of the interviews was a friend and colleague.

I did good, and was offered the job.

I took it.

In the meantime, I was battling the forces of evil, and the forces of resistance.

But the truth will out. I can't much more, but for the second time in my professional life, I was vindicated.

So there.

I begin my new job on September 1st, and I have no idea what to expect.

But it will be an adventure.My confidence and psyche have taken a battering, but I'm still here, kicking against the pricks.

So there.

Thanks for sticking with me. Love you all.

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