Thursday 6 December 2018

Contemptible behaviour

Today, the Government lost three votes in the House of Commons, including the one that it is in Contempt of Parliament.

This is unprecedented stuff. The first time in Parliament’s history that such a vote has taken place, and found the Government guilty.

Also, May’s Government’s broken promises to Grieve and Starmer bore the bitter fruit they deserved when Parliament also voted to allow amendments to all Brexit related matters.

Coupled with Jo Maughan’s crowd funded challenge, the EU’s Advocate General, that in his opinion, the UK can unilaterally withdraw the A50 notification, meaning that during the final few months of Brexit, Parliament can instruct the Government on what to do.

In order to stop or extend Brexit, acts of Parliament, laws, will have to be passed, like the one that allowed the A50 notification to be sent.

In a bizarre twist, the day’s events outlined above have been followed by the first of 5 days debate about the WA and framework political agreement, with an opening statement from a Government that literally holds Parliament in contempt.

You really could not make this up, and May deserves every humiliation that is piled up at her door, as she has driven Brexit, she created the red lines that limited choice, she insulted the 48% by calling them citizens of nowhere, she installed incompetent Brexiteers in positions to drive Brexit, and look where we are.

What a shit show this country has become, and maybe now there will be a grown up debate in Parliament and in the country about the risks Brexit brings, and finds a way out of this mess.

May is no longer PM. She is not in power, commands no Government nor respect.

If the meaningful vote in 5 days is defeated; what then?

What then for her, what then for her Government, what then for Brexit and what then for the country?

The clock is still ticking, and we have 4 months 3 weeks to go before we leave the EU.

Ready or not…….

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