Saturday 8 December 2018

Tory Brexit ignorance

Michael Howard, who still has something of the night about him, said in an interview that is alternative plan was to suspend all customs checks and tariffs with the EU for a year while UK works out what it's going to do. Only problem with this, as you may know, that once a third country, what you do to another WTO country, you have to do them all. This will destroy most British industries and businesses as goods flow into the country, unchecked, and underpricing domestic goods. Not sure that was meant by taking back control.....

Amber Rudd, back in Government again, stated that in the event of May losing the vote on Tuesday, there needed to be an alternative plan. Which is true, but her plan is the so-called Norway plus model, which Norway already have ruled out, and as I understand it, would still need the backstop.

It would hald if these political figures when speaking actually understood the subjects they were talking about, or not suggest solutions that had already been ruled out. I was shouting at the radio in the car when the Lord of Darkness was speaking.

Don't get me wrong, there needs to be an alternative plan, but one which lived in the realms of possibility, not just more bloody unicorns or cakeism. This next week will be interesting, to say the least, and could go any way; we might have a new PM this time next week, or stumbling towards an election, all the while, the clock ticks down.

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