Sunday 2 December 2018

Weekend Brexit

Friday afternoon, May lost her 10th Minister of the autumn when the Technology Minister resigned over UK giving up on staying in the Galileo project.

The main thrust of is anger is that, apparently, Brexit means Brexit.

This is the age old issue that as a member state, the UK wanted opt-outs, and now as a 3rd country, wanted opt-ins.

In an unrelated (ahem) issue, Ed Balls stepped down as Chairman of Norwich City, this could be the first part of a coup to unseat Corbyn. Stranger things have happened.

There are some 8 days before the "meaningful" Brexit vote, and the PM is standing firm on not releasing legal advice she has received, as promised, so Parliament is considering launching contempt proceedings against here!

Just when you think we have reached the bottom of the barrel, we keep going down....

I watched some BBN news in Norwich, and a business owner spoke of his three concerns:

1. Maintaining current markets
2. Expanding in current markets
3. Expanding into new areas.

Seems reasonable to me, and sensible, but then when has Brexit been sensible?

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