Monday 31 May 2021

Boaty McBoatface

The UK Government is stumping up £200 mllion to get a new yacht to sail the seas as the UK emerges as a buccaneering trading nation, post-Brexit.

Notice its not called a "Royal" Yacht, as Buckingham Palace wasn't impressed with a leak of plans for the yacht being named after Prince Philip without being asked first.


That having a boat, a yacht, will not make one jot of difference in getting trade deals from even the most impressionable of nations.

COnservatives like to make out that Socialists like to spend taxpayer's money, but this shows that Tories like to spaff it about.

Two hundred million for a pointless boat, but only 1% for doctors and nurses, and from June 1st they will have to pay for parking again at hospitals. So, that a big "FUCK YOU" to the NHS from the Government.

Like it was ever going to be any different.

If only the left wing of the Labour Party could stop undermining Starmer and fight the real enemy, then we are royally screwed.

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