Saturday 29 May 2021

Don't steal our summer

Science does not deal in absolute truths. Religion does.

Science is based on facts and data, and data changes.

Even when something is accepted, its called a theory as there might need to be fine tuning, or get it totally wrong. Or something inbetween.

Johnson promised a full unlocking by 21st June, and that is what we all want. But his Government has left in 1,500,000 people into the country when the citizens of the UK were in a harsh lockdown. We did not let in the Indian variant.

Johnson did.

And now with positive tests now 4,000 a day again, and 75% of them of the Indian variant, a delay might be needed, to safeguard the nation's health. But papers like the Daily Mail want their summer holidays.

Don't steal our summer its front page screamed yesterday. What's more important; going to your holiday chalet or saving tens of thousands of lives here?

I want a normal life, to be able to travel, go to the pub have a meal out or whatever, but I care for the people of our country, as one death is one death too many.

Is that too hard to understand?

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