Saturday 1 May 2021

Weekend Brexit

On Thursday, the EU ratified the TCA.

This is a big step, as there was a real chance they wouldn't.

But as previously stated, there were warnings in legal texts released on the actions the bloc would take if the UK were to break the terms.

At home, there is still denial that the NIP is the result of the very oven-ready deal that Johnson negotiated and Parliament ratified. There are calls that the NIP has been imposed on the UK and nI in particular.

It is the direct effect of Brexit, of course.

As I have said many, many times before, if the UK left the SM or CU, there would have to be a regualtory border, the UK Government had to decide just where.

And Johnson chose.

The fishing industry, meanwhile, is calling for the entire Brexit deal to be re-opened as the thought that the clusterfuck they have to deal with going on for a year is unbearable, with many companies preparing to fail. The UK's largest trawler is expected to be tied up in port for a year, and the crew, jobless.

But Project Fear, yeah?

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