Saturday 22 May 2021

Health update

I realised I forgot to update the daily blog with the result of the call with my doctor, But I did mention he was due to call.

Well, he did call, and said all was fine, nothing about kidney function or anything. He is going to up the dose of the statins I'm on, but that is it, all the rest is "normal"

Which goes to show not to go half-cocked on the receptionist's words when I called a couple of weeks back.

I guess this is a weight of my mind, as it has been ticking over, and anythig out of the ordinary: going to the loo too much or not enough a cause for concern.

But all seems fine, and now that I have a regime to stick to, and I am walking lots, things should improve further.

Then there is my relationship with booze:

I mean, I'm no alcoholic, never have been. But the habit of having a glass of beer or wine. Large glass or wine. And then some, with most meals had got out of hand.

I realise it was little more than a habit, and easy to break, once I had a reason, and although I like a glass of wine and/or beer as much as the next guy, I prefer to go out walking and snapping.

So, there you go.

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