Saturday 1 May 2021

Friday 30th April 2021

Last day of the month. And Friday.

And I have yet another medical appointment, a blood test at the doctor's surgery. But it did mean I could not have anything to eat or drink until after I had the test.

So I lay in bed until quarter to seven, and with Jools ful of plans for the day, leaves the house to go swimming,, after which she will go to Tesco, come home to drop the shopping off before going to Jen's for yoga, and then in the afternoon, a haircut.


I have two day's mails to catch up on, and to finish the data analysis, then fill in tables for global comparisons.

At ten past eight, I put on my shoes and coat and walk the couple of miles to the surgery.

A walk into the village It was another bright but cool morning, I didn't take any other camer other than the compact, just to take shots for the blog. Down Station Road, then up the other side before turning at the old Red Lion and walking past the pond to the path leading up the down to the surgery.

A walk into the village As always, at half wight, people were dropping their darlings off at school, marking in stupid places, causing hazards. When I pass other people, we leave a good sistance, or wait until they or I pass.

I reach the surgery, ring the bell to be told the nurse had not arrived, so I had to wait outside.

In a while she turned up, and me and the guy in front of me are allowed into the waiting room, but there's nowhere to sit as all the chairs have been removed. We were OK, but the old lady with a crutch just had to wait, groaning slightly.

Westcliffe I have blood taken for about five tests, including gout. I can tell them straight away I will be positive for that!

But in ten minutes, I am done, so can walk back home, back the way I came, passing assorted parents and grandparents lingering outside the school.

I was more than happy to get home, not because I was tired, but because my foot was hurting once again. So once in, I make a brew, have breakfast and get back to work.

At least it is quiet, as in Denmark it is a public holiday: prayer day, so I have no mails really to deal with, so can plough on filling in the spreadsheet.

Time passes.

Jools comes home, we have left over fritters and toast for lunch.

Jools leaves again, this time for town and her haircut, so I wrap up work for the day, finishing at half two.

I am done.

After packing up, I do some light gardening, deadheading the daffs and dandeplions. I like them, but we don't need more.

Time dragged, so I wrote the blog for the day, I was waiting for the invite to the music quiz, but it didn't arrive by five. I said we should just go to as it was five so why not go and see Jen early, as the invite might never have arrive.

One hundred and twenty It arrived at 17:01.

Oh well.

We drive over, and Jen was watching the world snooker semi-final, but she switched the TV off to finish making us all spag bol and garlic bread, which we woilf down.

Sp, after tidying up and pouring another wine, we play cards.

I win the first game, Jen wins the second.

And that's that.

We hug Jen and leave, driving home along deserted roads back to St Maggies.

Now for a three days weekend, peeps.

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