Sunday 23 May 2021

Saturday 22nd May 2021

And although the wind had dropped, the rain was due to sweep in all day, and it was cold again.

Not much planned.

After getting up, we have coffee and after getting dressed I drove to the butchers in Preston.

One hundred and forty two The roads were quiet, and it was pleasant enough with the radio on.

We had finally got through all the chicken in the freezer, so needed a top up, I also got burgers and a few cheeses.

Then drove back, slish splashing through the puddles and half flooded roads across the marshes back to Sandwich, then back along the main road to home.

That was the exciting bit done.

Back home we have crossants for breakfast. I dip mine in my coffee the way our friend in France, Melanie did, if it was good enough for her.

There was the radio to listen to, dishes to wash, and so on. Jools did some gardening until the rain drove her indoors. Maybe that's why they call it driving rain?

Wisteria We had salad for lunch; pork pie and some pots of sunblessed tomatoes, or some such nonsense. I had bought some cherry juice fromt he butcher, 100ml a day is said to be good to keep gout at bay, and I need all the help I can.

And then there was almost non-stop play-off football.

Brentford v "plucky" Bournemouth, then Sunderland v Oxford and finally Swansea v Barnsley.

Outside the rain hammered down, forming waterfalls that cascaded off the scaffolding onto our windows, making it look like we were underwater.

And that was it. We listened to Craig Charles, it got dark, we were pooped, so we went to bed.

Its all go.

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