Wednesday 5 May 2021

Tuesday 4th May 2021

Star Trek Day.

Or something.

It wasn't funny or smart when DLT said it in 1978, let alone on a thousand interner memes.

So it goes.

I wish I could be more positive, but I had hoped the gout was on the run, but it returned over Sunday night, and I could feel it getting worse through the night, making sleep difficult.

So, back on the vast amounts of liquid to flush the crystals out.

So we shall see.

But it did mean that I did not venture out for a walk for exercise or snapping. And as if more than coincidence, the weather was cold and windy. So windy that when I tried to snap some common sorrel in the garden, it came just blurred.

One hundred and twenty four It is my last working day for a week without audits, which means I have to be up to date by the end of it, ready to dedicate myself to the audit and all in the service of the sacred three ISO standards.

Apart from all the above, things are good. But better after a coffee. Further improved by another coffee, and as close to perfect with a third and breakfast.

I start work, and deal with the issues of the day.

From time to time, I hobble outside, fill up the bird feeders, look in the pond for tadpoles, but there seem to be fewer and fewer each time, maybe they're all at the bottom of the pond, having a disco?

Salad It could happen.

I make pancakes for elevenses, just two with the traditional (British) filling of lemon juice and sugar.

And back to work before the main act of lunch takes place, a wedge of cheesy cornbread smothered in butter. I believe that was healthy, no?

Sleepy Mr Frog I look at my Outlook calendar and I realise I have nine working days before two weeks off, orchiding.

I work to three, then can relax and put my foot up and watch some train or tram videos, which means I ma not hobbling round complaining how much my foot hurts.

For dinner we have breaded chicken, fresh baby new potatoes and lots and lots of salad. There was so much food, we could not force another slice of cornbread down.

Jools clears up, to same me oohing and ahhing as I stumble about.

That is your day, really.

For the evening, there is music, following football on Twitter as Ipswich fail to score once again.

So it goes, so it goes.

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