Tuesday 4 May 2021

Monday 3rd May 2021

I had hoped the slope to a gout-free life would be a quick and easy ride.

I have managed to get out and about, do snapping and so on, but I woke Monday morning with my left foot slightly swollen, it seemed sensible to rest if for the day.

Just as well then, the eather was going to get worse though the day, I mean there was the chance of popping down to the cliffs, but I past up the chance, as it would have been more ESOs, and I had snapped them enough. Maybe next week.

So, it was going to be a relaxing day.

And in preparation for a relaxing day, I slept into nearly haf seven. I mean half the day had nearly gone!

We have coffee, breakfast with another coffee.

Jools went into the garden to do planting and stuff, while I sit at the table with my foot up, hoping that by drinking loads would keep a major flare up happening.

One hundred and twenty three I get up to make some corn bread, and in a twist I add some cheese.

And that is the highlight of the morning.

THe bright start outside gives way to clouds and ever-increasing winds.

We have corn bread with caprese, which went down very well. Though I did miss the red wine, and instead have yet more squash, so much better for flushing those pesky crystals out.

Jools went swmming after lunch, and I watch more train and tram videos. THe afternoon passes slowly.

At six there is football on TV, which I watch, though for the life of me, I can't remember who played. Oh yes, it was WBA v Wolves, played in a downpour, and there was the chance of the game being postponed, but they got through it.

We have corn bread for supper, watch the latest edition of Gardener's World, I watch the first half of the Burnley v West Ham game, in which I should have seen all three of the goals in a Hammer's 2-1, but was procrastinating for two of them.

And that was Bank Holiday Monday, all done and dusted.

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