Saturday 8 May 2021

Friday 7th May 2021

After a good night's sleep, you wake feeling anything is possible.

And then you remember that you have nine hours of auditing ahead of you, and yo have slept in and less than an hour before you have to start work.

OK, let's do it, after this, its am the weekend.

Jools heard me get up, so makes coffee, I walk around sans limp, which is nice.

As I start work, Jools goes to Tesco to hunt and gather stuff for the week, I have mails to answer, calls to make, all in an hour when the fun of auditing is due to begin.

Good afternoon Mr Frog I am in the audit when Jools returned, she makes breakfast and brews, passes them to me so I can carry on with the audit.

She then runs from one end of the house, rounding up Mulder and Scully as it is time for their annual jabs.

That done, she is gone and I watch them leave from the dining room table, not pausing in my in-depth auditing.

It is a fine day outside, but I have very little time, or none in fact, to enjoy it. I don't even have tome to make a brew, so wait for Jools to return.

At half twelve there is time to quickly fry a buger patty each, which will do for lunch, and back in time for the final stretch of the audit.

Or so I thought.

By four, we were still going, in the closing meeting, having heated words. Or they were, I couldn't get a word in. Jen was to come for dinner, and we were having roast chicken, Jools put the bird in the oven at four, prepared the vegetables, all so when, finally, I was done at half four and the weekend could begin.

One hundred and twenty seven Jools arrived at five, I finished dinner, dished up (on hot plates, Jen) and we sit down to eat at half five, just enough time to eat that so I could join the music quiz at six.

The meal was fne, and I score zero in the quiz, as the mystery star was Meat Loaf, and the cluses were hard until the last one, by which point it was too late.

Jools and Jen had washed up, so I shuffle the cards and so we can play Meld for a couple of hours. This will be the last time we do this for a month as Jen is going to stay wil Sylv on Thursday, to inter her Mother and borhter's ashes with those of her husband.

This will be the last time I will see her for some time, so we say goodbye with a hug, and she leaves.

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