Monday 3 May 2021


Not a day goes by without one of the papers mentioning summer holidays and travel.

Now, I might be dim, but any kind of travel, except essential, seems madness.

Are we really so selfish that we would risk a final recovery over the pandemic because we want to lay on a beach in Spain?

I read a post by Ian Dunt on Twitter where he said much the same thing, and some of the replies were really vicious. Some saying, quite rightly, they had not seen their family in a year, sometimes two, so why shouldn't they travel? And as soon as they can, they will.

One wrote: "I haven’t seen my grandchildren in Italy for nearly a year. Not thrilled by your sanctimonious attitude."

Is is sanctimonious attude not to want to create another wave of infections and deaths?

Airports and planes are perfect environments for spreading a virus about. You might be vaccinated, but you might pass it on to someone else, or others on the plane might have come from a red list area, and you catching it can help create a new mutation, and we're all back at square one again.

When would I allow travel?

When it was safe to do so.

Even if that's two years?

If that what it takes.

Your right to travel for a holiday or to see family does not trump the right of someone shielding not to live.

We have come so far, been through too much, as a country, to throw it all away now.

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