Thursday 24 March 2022


I thought that by time I reached sixty, I would have worked, saved and be ready for a long and quiet retirement, helped by the nest eggs we had saved for.

That might still happen, there is two years to go. But two years of pandemic, Brexit and now war in Europe, the chance of a long an peaceful decent into dotage seems remote at the moment.

I began to write this blog in August 2008, nearly 14 years ago. 6,000 posts in which I have desribed our life and later documented Brexit and COVID.

We got married.

We bought this house.

I changed jobs.

THe company went bankrupt two months after we signed the mortgate.

We survived.

I got a job in the wind industry. And still here 12 years later.

I "got" into orchids and churches and butterflies and whatever else I see.

Despite a global pandemic, Brexit and the cruelst Government since the last Conservative one, we're doing well. Happy, content with our four cats.

Though we did say goodbye to Sulu, Little Girl and the fairest princess of them all, Molly.

I lost Mum, Jools lost her Dad, and we all lost Meg.

Life goes on.


And I met several of you, dear readers. And hope to meet again.

Stay safe, enjoy life.

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