Thursday 31 March 2022

Grifters gotta grift

In general, in capatalism, losses are nationalised and profits are privatised.

As soon as an industry starts to pay its way, sell it off so some capatalist can reap the rewards rather than the taxpayers who had kept it afloat.

It was the Thatcher and Major way, and now with COVID and Brexit to pay for, more grifting is going on.

Yesterday, under the radar, the Government sold National Grid, the organisation responsible for getting electricity from where it is generated to our homes, to an Australian company for £9.6 billion.

We can see with water how well selling off utilities has been, with tens of billions paid to shareholders while our rivers and seas are sewers. This was not how it was supposed to be, but the Environmental Agency was underfunded and has few actual powers, so water companies pump shit into our rivers, undoing decades of work to get wildlife back.

Our rivers are dying.

In the US we see how unregulated power distribution has gone, and that is how it will be here.

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