Wednesday 23 March 2022

Tuesday 22nd March 2022

Tuesday was a tough day, ended with a crushing meeting, that I can barely remember. But I carried that pain into the evening, and decided to do something about it. SOmething I can reverse, if needed.

Tuesday, I suppose I had given long thought to the situation, came with a way of getting out of it, and forged a way through the chaos. Bad thoughs of just 12 hours before were forgotten.

Orthosia gothica And why not? When the sun rises in a clear blue sky, the promise of a wonderful warm spring day in the offing, who could not feel optomistic on such mornings?

Eighty one I made some bread, then hunted for the small 1lb loaf tin. I couldn't find it anywhere, I turned the kitchen upsdide down.


Then I rememvered it was in the freezer with a shepherd's pie in it.

Oh yes.

So, I put the loaf onto a baking tray, and left it for two hours. It was a monster, and rose twice as much as when in a tin. I might never use a tin again.

I put the loaf in to bake, and was rewarded with a cottage loaf with an X cit in the top, all crusty and crunchy. I tested with with lots of butter and apricot jam.

Invasion of the cones Yummy.

Jools had to leave at six to get to work, do some walking and try to get work done. So, I put some music on and fill the hour before work.

Invasion of the cones Work is, meh, work, so lets skip over that.

I went out at three, taking my camera for a long walk to get some air and blow the cobwebs away. I walked to Station Road, then up it to the first track, along that then up to Windy Ridge and along Green Lane to the very end.

Viola odorata I stop at the secret bench, and sit for ten minutes, it faces east, so is in deep shade, so wasn't warm.

I carry down the hill, past the farm and up the slope to Fleet House and across the fields.

Dinner is to be fishcakes with stir fry and noodles.

It turned out spicy, seems we bought "medium" sweet chilli sauce, and was indeed warmer.

But good.

There was no football to watch, as its international break, so I listen to the wireless, mess about online and went to bed at nine to read.

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