Sunday 13 March 2022


Its not now a question of whether Johnson is compromised by connections to Russia, but how much.

So much information is coming out now, leaking out, that what has happened is barely believable. And yet, the son of a KGB colonel is a member of the House of Lords, after buying a "golden visa".

It also turns out that he met with Johnson and Gove in January 2016, for a provate dinner, after which both Johnson and Gove were born again Brexiteers.

Russian cash kept the Conservative Party afloat, and now the influence that money bought meant that sanctions imposed by the UK Government were days, over a week, later than those from the unwieldy EU's,

The "Partygate" report is still due to be published in full, and the Russia report that Johnson has been sitting on since becoming PM has yet to be published in full, even thoug it said the Tories didn't know how far Russian influence went, as the questin was never asked.

How deep does the Russian influence go?

Very, very deep.

I once asked with some of the most edcated people backing Brexit, when they knew, in private at least, how damaging it would be for the UK, why did they do it? In short, what is in it for them?

Its about time someone asked them.

We have been taken for fools, well some have.

Meanwhile our hard and soft power, infuence is ebbing away.

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