Thursday 24 March 2022

Wednesday 23rd March 2022

I can't say too much, but there might be some big news coming up.

I'll leave that hanging in mid air, there.

But Wednesday, and nearly halfway through the week, and I can feel the weekend coming. In fact, this is my last weekend before I go away, and I have some stuff to get.

Ohh, look at her with the fancy holidays and walking pole!

Wednesday dawned clear and bright, the sun rose red and angry, so far to the east now, we can only just see it rise above the horizon above Kingsdown Road.

Hump Day I took a shot, just in case there was no other shots taken that day.

Jools is ready to go to work, leaving me alone with just the cats and some toast to keep me company. I make a slice and coat it with nutella and eat that with a fresh cup of coffee.

Seven fried eggs I know how to live.

We have the department meeting, coming after yet more significant news, of which our manager can't tell if or how that will effect us. I give a presentation on the state of my project, hammering home the madness of it all. I think I get through.

Cultivar I have breakfast and another coffee. That's three for the day, and I'm vibrating.

The day passes, and in a good way, though there is chaos.

So at three I am off on another walk, hoping to snap some butterflies.

I walk along the road, across the field, past Fleet House before going down past the farm, but turning off along the lower lane to come back.

Bombylius major I do see some butterflies, including a tatty Small Tortoiseshell that posed for long enough for me to get a shot or twenty.

Eighty two I get home, have a iced squash before getting down to make fritters for dinner. Every time they come out different, this time the mis was thick so they come out very crispy, and due to the curry powder added, spicy.

I even have wine with dinner. First time in mid-week for a while. It goes down well.

There is no football again, though internationals will start on Thursday, so we have the radio on so I can write and edit pictures.

In bed at half eight to read another chapter of the book I'm rereading.

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