Thursday 31 March 2022

Wednesday 30th March 2022

Hump day.

And with my week off fast approaching, I'm even more laid back than normal.

Saying that, I was told something on Tuesday that had ben laid in bed at four in the morning thinking how best to deal with it, but I came with a way and dropped off to sleep again.

Eighty nine The weather was to be a little improved, and having stayed inside since Sunday lunchtime, except to go to the bins, I thought I had better get some steps in during the day. Especially as Jools was to bring fish and chips home for dinner, so there would be no chance of a walk after eating that.

Even more good news is that Donna was due back at work, so she nad Jools could deal with the backlog of work.

Even then she left for work at six, I put on a podcast and made a fresh coffee and some toast.

Back in the groove again.

Outside work, main task was to get my travel insurance documents printed, as they had failed to send the ones I paid for them to print and send. So got the PDFs, sent to Jools and she printed them out.

Winter is coming. Again And then the ones from Aviva arrived anyway.

I mean, it has been two weeks since I arranged it, thought the docs would come quicker than that.

Winter is coming. Again And then checked in online, picked a seat and had to pay yet another extra as my carry on back carried more than a small chocolate bar.

But with that done, I really think I am all ready to go.

After work I did go for a walk, I put on a jumper and coat, but stop short of the woolly hat, and head up along the road, then up Station Rad to the second track.

Even after some recent rain, the ground is not quite bone dry, but not muddy, so happy with just having my walking shoes on. Lots of Alexanders about, and a few stalks of Cow Parsely in flower, and along well kept verges, plenty of dandelions.

Winter is coming. Again On the way back, two frisky horses were running round their paddocks, making a heck of a noise, then one broke through the fence and the two of them ran side by side, kicking and jumping in time like equine ballet dancers.

Excitement over, I waslk home and pack away the office, do the washing up and get ready for when Jools returns, laden with fresh fried food.

It was good, not quite as good when fresh out of the fryer, but good nonetheless. And so little washing up to do afterwards.

No football to watch, so we have the radio on, then go to bed at half eight, with the wind whiistling round the house, coming in from the steppes.

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